Coming soon!
We can’t wait for the next feature in the app to be ready! We are now working to arrange activities and trips throughout Norway, which you and your dog can do together.
On the map you will also find vets, dog groomers, dog parks, dog-friendly cafes, dog boarding houses, dog shops and more. Everything you as a dog owner need – in the area you want.
With the app, you can put your dogs profile on the map, and invite to a walk or meeting with others in your local area. Choose whether you want to invite only those you are already friends with, or open up to everyone and meet new walking buddies.
We also create marked trips and places that you can find together – with rewards!
If you want to see and share photos with others who have been to the same place, use the #dogMap.

i VOFFii!
Mer sosialisering, aktivitet og morsommere hverdag for deg og hunden din!
- Sett deg selv og hunden din på kartet!
- Opprett turer og hundetreff
- Inviter venner eller få nye venner
- Finn de som jobber med hund i ditt område
- Mer aktivitet og en gladere hundehverdag
- Skattejakt og belønningssystem