
Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find an answer to your question or have a problem with the app, you can press the «Report problem» button below the form.

VOFFii wants to include everyone, including mixed breeds. Send us an email at and we will add it.

Pawtag is your unique ID in the app

Go to settings and find your unique pawtag/ID under your name.

Then your profil will be visible in the search filter,  and you will also be able to see other profiles and how many kilometers they are away from you. Location filter will not show your exact location, so it’s safe to use.

You can do this easily under filter search, or in the app under settings

Go to Settings, press «Change Profile»

Go to Settings (gear), select language. We currently have the app in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English

If you choose to post privately, you only share with your friends. If you choose to make it public, you share with everyone in the app

You can choose to look them up by setting the desired km from where you are, or enter the municipalities you want matches in

You can become friends by using pawtag/ID in the app. Under friends (paw symbol) you can send a text message with an invitation to become friends, or put the paw tag directly into the search field and then send a friend request on your profile.

The app is currently free. There will be a premium version with extra features that will cost money, which is optional. Here comes the Health Journal for dogs, AI Breed ID, and tips and videos on mental training, everyday obedience and problem behaviour.

Go to 1. Settings 2. Change profile 3. Add dog

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